

If love is a bug then Laurel Page is immune. Been there. Done that. Got over it. All she wants now is a quiet life. And while running a dating agency may not seem like the logical career path for a woman who has fervently sworn off romance, for Laurel it’s perfect. There’s something deliciously safe about other people’s romantic problems. Laurel’s had enough drama in her relationships to last two lifetimes.

And then Gabriel Jouet walks into her office. Tall, dark and oozing with Gallic charm, he’s an unlikely client and almost enough to make even Laurel contemplate abandoning her vow of singledom. Almost… But Laurel’s scars run deep: Cupid really would have to be stupid to pick on her again…



Lively and compulsive – Mirror

Bloody good read – New Woman

Top-Ten Book… Feel-Good Escapism – Heat


Pages: 373

Rental Code: 0-003-001

Rental Rate: RM0.25 per day

Purchase Price: RM 15.00